Condensed Matter Links - Links related to crystals, mathematical modeling, quantum liquids and the Hall effect, among others.
Fermi Surface Database - A database of Fermi surfaces for elemental solids in VRML and gif. Stereo pictures, periodic table and Java program are also provided.
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database - 3D crystal structures in VRML of about 2000 compounds may be generated from a variety of standard crystallographic formats.
Ionbeam Application - Introduction of ion beam application. Principle and examples of ion beam analysis (IBA) using a particle accelerator such like RBS, ERD, PIXE/PIGE are shown. Summary of projects on ion beam LIGA, lithography and MEMS is represented.
Neutron Scattering WWW Resources - Provided as a service to the international neutron scattering community by Argonne National Laboratory. Links to databases, software, research facilities, and information on conferences.
Physics of Metals - Metallophysical research in Lviv National University (metals, films, compounds, alloy) and elsewhere.
Quantum Monte Carlo Homepage - How to calculate the electronic structure and properties of matter from first principles with unprecedented accuracy. This page outlines current research into the Quantum Monte Carlo method.