Crystallization in Foods - Contains the latest information on how and why crystals form in foods, and how this information can be used to control crystallization. General organization of Crystallization in Foods is set according to the steps that occur during crystallization.
Crystallography and Minerals - Crystallography groups in mineralogy are composed of 32 classes of symmetry. To illustrate these symmetry elements, example crystalline forms for each symmetry class are represented by a JAVA applet.
Interactive Tutorial about Diffraction - A pictoral guide to using these techniques especially for working out structural information, largely through the use of illustrative examples.
Knowhere - Lesson on the geometry and symmetry of elements and minerals using Polymorf, a new math and science manipulative. The topological approach is used to characterize the structure of crystals in terms of linked polyhedra.
MSU Chemistry: Crystallography Service - Explains crystallography procedures and is primarily intended for internal users of their analysis facilities, as well as a reference for students carrying out the work.
SDPD Internet Course - Commercial e-learning course teaching how to determine a crystal structure from powder diffraction data.
Snow Crystals - Information about the physics of snow crystals and snowflakes as well as the history of early scientific observations and photographs, how to take photos, preserving snow crystals, and unusual snowflakes.