Andrija Radovic Physics Pages - The site is written in the style of a good text book, presenting every step and allowing a student to follow it through, understand it and know if it is right or not. My theory says that the gravitational field has origin in annulations of the electromagnetic field, i.e. that electromagnetic fields transmute to gravitational one.
An Antisymmetric Metric - The Maxwell equations are derived from an antisymmetric space-time metric.
Binary Electrons - An essay which explores the possibility that the relationship between electricity, electromagnetic waves, magnetism and gravity can be explained by the behaviour of two particles.
BUYAMAG - The company advertises their Kirlian Camera for taking pictures of invisible radiating energy fields that surround all living things.
The Electrical Vortex Non-Solenoidal Fields - A mistake is found in electrodynamics: under transverse motion of a magnet the vortex electric fields can be unclosed and the flow of induction through a closed surface can be nonzero.
Electrodynamic Explanation of Ball Lightning - Ball lightning is considered as self-closed alternating displacement current, which produces air luminescence (electroluminescence).
Elektromagnum - This site is devoted to speculative electromagnetics and especially to possible explanation of gravity/inertia by electromagnetics.
The Grand Unified Theory: Wave Theory - An attempt to explain every principle process that occurs in nature by introducing energetic matter as the basic element which builds wave formations.
New Induction - The new model of electromagnetic induction is claimed as superior to Faraday's law in every respect. It predicts things that Faraday can not.
New Theory of Light and Photon Wave Model - Proposed is a new photon model (theory of light). The duality particle-wave is discussed and is backed up by theoretical and experimental investigations.
Perpetuum Mobile via Permanent Magnet - Invention refers to an electromechanical system which transforms internal energy of a circular permanent magnet into mechanical work for an undefined period (perpetuum mobile).
The 6 1/2 Pillars of Wisdom - Mathematical derivation of the source-free static magnetic field structure from Maxwell's Equations, and suppression of this proposed discovery by the Theoretical Physics Establishment, are discussed.
Read the Lips - An idea to track the movement of the lips for remote speech recognition.
The Relativity of Energy - The principle of the relativity of energy applied to unit systems, to electrostatics and magnetism, will give us a unified vision of the electromagnetic fields.
The Rotation of Magnetic Field - Describes how magnetic fields may not rotate with the source, with an illustrative experiment described.
The Theory of Light - Light transfers thermal information (energy) from the source, like sound or water. For propagation of motion, light needs a medium.
Trans-Light State - Theory, with suggested experiments, that our four-dimensional universe (3D space + time) is a "special case" of a five-dimensional reality called the trans-light state. This would be the state of existence which prevails once the light barrier has been broken.
Vasant Corporation - Proposes spin-wave technology for power generation, propulsion, signal processing and communications.
What You Can Do with Your Mind - Positive test at 2500 miles on Charles Collins' ability to affect the energy field of a leaf.