(Belgium) von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, - Non-profit international educational and scientific organisation, hosting three departments (aeronautics and aerospace, environmental and applied fluid dynamics, and turbomachinery). It provides post-graduate education in fluid dynamics and encourages "training in research through research" .
Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Centre - Fundamental and applied research in ship and offshore hydrodynamics, coastal hydraulics, aerodynamics, environment, water transport and information technology. Education, postgraduate training and consultancy in marine engineering.
Complexity Lab - Complexity Lab is the Niels Bohr Institute group for work on biophysics, turbulence, self-organised criticality and other complex systems.
European Liquid Handling Competence Centre (LICOM) - Combined expertise of European research institutes in the field of microfluidics in pharmaceutics, medical technology, diagnostics, analytics and processing.
(Germany)TU Chemnitz - Research Group on Multiphase Flows. A wide range of consulting and educational services in the field of fluid mechanics, CFD, particle technology, measurement techniques in application to fluid and particle mechanics, process and environmental technology.
(Mexico) National University - Complex Fluids Group. Research lines, people, and laboratories of the group of Prof. R. Castillo.
Multiphase Fluid Dynamics Research Consortium - Modeling of gas-solid transport in industrial applications by simulating the flow of solid particles in a flowing gas stream. Research combines experimental with theoretical and computational work to develop models and computational methods.
(Netherlands) JM Burgerscentrum - Research School for Fluid Dynamics: the Dutch Pilot Centre of ERCOFTAC. Structure, research, teaching, calendar, vacancies.
(UK) Geodise - A project to bring together and further the technologies of Design Optimisation, CFD, GRID computation, Knowledge Management and Ontology in a demonstration of solutions to a challenging industrial problem.
(UK) University of Cambridge - Centre for Atmospheric Science / Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP); Atmospheric Dynamics Group. Members, courses, research, seminars, publications, web resources.
(UK) University of Wales - Institute for Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. An interdisciplinary organisation made up of the constituent University of Wales at Aberyswyth, Bangor and Swansea fluid dynamics groups.
(USA) University of Kentucky - Fluid Dynamics Group. List of faculty members, links to the sites of the subgroups dealing with computational fluid dynamics and fluid mechanics, and information on facilities and relevant courses.
(USA) Virginia Tech - College of Engineering, Fluids group. Research and teaching in fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, CFD, transonic flow, hypersonic flow, gasdynamics, turbulence and wave propagation.