American Nuclear Society - Resources on nuclear science and technology: nuclear engineering, nuclear medicine, nuclear energy, nuclear physics, nuclear power, food irradiation, and nuclear news.
Canadian Penning Trap - Precision atomic mass measurements on stable and exotic nuclei using the Canadian Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer (CPTMS) situated ar Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA.
INIS - Web directory to nuclear information by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
International Energy Prize "Global Energy" - A new scientific award for outstanding theoretical, experimental and applied research, development, inventions and discoveries in the field of energy development and power generation.
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research - An intergovernmental organization created in order to unify the intellectual and material potential of Member States to study the fundamental properties of matter.
NSREC - Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference.
Nuclear Data Project (NDP) - Devoted to the collection and evaluation of nuclear structure and astrophysics data. The work includes dissemination of compilations, evaluations, and codes via internet- and www-based information services, as well as publication in journals.
Nuclear physics - A description of nuclear physics and its applications.
Nuclear Science and Technology - Presents information on nuclear science and technology and how our everyday lives are influenced through it.
ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor Facility - One of the world's most powerful research reactors. Produces transuranium isotopes for research, industrial, and medical applications and is used in neutron-scattering experiments to reveal the structure and dynamics of materials, including metals and polymers. Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
University of Birmingham - Nuclear Physics Group - Includes information about postgraduate admissions, lists of staff, publications and seminars, and brief introductions to the research that is undertaken.