Belle - Experiment at KEK, investigates CP violation in the B meson system.
CDF - The Collider Detector at Fermilab at Tevatron proton accelerator.
CLEO - Collaboration studying production and decay of heavy quarks and leptons produced in the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) at Laboratory of Nuclear Studies (LNS).
CMS - Compact Muon Spectrometer; an experiment at the LHC collider at CERN.
D-Zero Experiment - Research on the fundamental nature of matter, focusing on precise studies of interactions of protons and antiprotons at the highest available energies. Located at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory's Tevratron Collider.
Experiments Online - Comprehensive list of current experiments in particle physics, SPIRES database at SLAC.
FINUDA - Fisica Nucleare a Dafne; an experiment whose main focus is the study of Lambda-hypernuclei levels and lifetimes, and their non-mesonic decays.
IReN - Intense Resonance Neutron Source in Dubna, Russia.
Muon to Electron COnversion experiment (MECO) - Experiment at BNL to test muon and electron number violation by searching for muons converting to electrons in the field of a nucleus.
PiBeta - Pion-Beta Decay Experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland.
SPIRES Experiments - Search database of HEP experiments using various criteria: participant, title, affiliation, number, particle, accelerator, detector, date.
WA98 - Large acceptance photon and hadron spectrometer, high energy heavy ion experiment at SPS accelerator at CERN.
WA98 - CERN experiment, page at University of Münster.