CFD-ACE+ - Comprehensive fluid dynamics software package developed by CFD Research Corporation, that also includes a plasma simulation module.
CFD-PLASMA - Site is maintained by CFD Canada, a division of CFD Research Corporation. It describes advantages of the CFD-ACE+ software and contains links to other sites relevant to numerical simulation of plasmas for materials processing.
Gas Discharge Modeling - Russia based site describing plasma modeling software, maintained by A. Abramov. The demo version can be downloaded for free.
Kinema Research & Software - The company markets "PLASMATOR", the plasma simulation software for materials processing, and provides corresponding services.
Plasma Module - Official site of CFD Research Corporation describing Plasma Module to the commercial CFD-ACE+ software.
The Siglo Series Software - A set of tools designed for the simulation of non thermal plasmas where the degree of ionization is typically less than 10^-4. These models can be used as research tools in discharge and plasma physics.