ES1, XES1, XEM1, SPAM, IBC, PDP1, PDC1, PDS1 and XPDP2 - Many particle plasma codes for bounded plasmas, PIC computer experiments with Monte Carlo collisions. All for desktop computing and complete with graphics. Downloadable via anonymous ftp. Developed at the Plasma Theory and Simulation Group, University of California at Berkeley, US.
Hybrid Plasma Equipment Model - Software developed at the University of Illinois for numerical simulation of inductively coupled reactive ion etching reactors.
OOPIC Pro - Object oriented 2-D particle-in-cell code with support for x-y (slab) and r-z (cylindrical) geometries.
R.D.Cowan's RCN code - WWW interface to the widely used atomic structure package written by Robert D. Cowan from LANL. URL From: Plasma Laboratory of Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.