Alfvén Laboratory - Researching elctromagnetic theory and applications, including fusion, space and basic plasma physics experiments. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Auburn University Plasma Physics - Plasma physics home page at Auburn University with links to Space Plasma Laboratory, Fusion Research laboratory, and Plasma Sciences Laboratory.
Australian National University Plasma Research Laboratory - Australian National University facility studying magnetic confinement in toroidal systems and open systems with applications to space phenomena and advanced plasma processing.
Columbia University Plasma Physics Lab - Experimental plasma physics facility, with HBT-EP tokamak, Columbia Non-Neutral Torus (CNT), Collisionless Terrella Experiment (CTX) and Columbia Linear Machine (CLM). New York.
Culham Science Center - Research into Fusion Power. The EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association works at the Culham Science Centre, in Oxfordshire, UK, towards the realisation of Fusion Power.
Dublin City University Plasma Research Laboratory - Research on radiofrequency plasmas with applications in microelectronics, lighting, surface engineering, and the development of advanced materials. Dublin, Ireland.
Imperial College Plasma Physics Group - University group in plasma physics reseach engaged both experimentally and theoretically in a number of research programmes including fundamental plasma physics, acceleration of particles using plasma waves and thermonuclear fusion. London, UK.
Intense Energy Beam Laboratory, University of Michigan - Investigates the fundamental physics and technology of interactions between beams of electrons, ions, plasma, microwaves, laser light and radio frequency radiation with plasmas, materials, structures, and biological cells.
Laboratory for Plasma Physics - Laboratory is the part of the integrated European thermonuclear fusion research program. ERM/KMS Royal Military Academy, Belgium.
Laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique - Studying instabilities, transport and turbulence in tokamaks, low pressure discharges and high energy density plasmas.
Large Plasma Device (LAPD) Laboratory - UCLA facility conducting basic plasma physics research on the behavior of naturally occurring plasmas, such as the auroral ionosphere, the magnetosphere, the solar wind, the solar corona, and the interstellar medium.
Los Alamos National Laboratory - MFE Experiments - Magnetic fusion experimental team in the P-24 Plasma Physics Group at Los Alamos. Details of collaborations with experiments at other facilities.
Los Alamos Neutron Science Center - LANSCE is a pulsed spallation neutron source facility that includes the Neutron Scattering Center, the Weapons Neutron Research facility, the world's most powerful proton linear accelerator, and the proton storage ring. Los Alamos, USA.
Naval Research Laboratory, Plasma Physics Division - Conducts a broad experimental and theoretical program in basic and applied research in plasma physics, laboratory discharge and space plasmas, intense electron and ion beams and photon sources, atomic physics, pulsed power sources, laser physics, advanced spectral diagnostics, and nonlinear systems.