About Astronomy and Space - Black Holes - Find articles, information, and web sites about these theoretical cellestial objects, formed when a massive star collapses from its own gravity.
Black Holes - A review of the theory and history of black holes.
Black Holes - We review the observational evidence for black holes, and briefly discuss some of their properties. We also describe some recent developments involving cosmic censorship and the statistical origin of black hole entropy
Black holes - Portal linking to sites about very high density objects: black holes, neutron stars.
Black Holes: A general introduction - This article presents in a pictorial way the basic concepts of black hole's theory, as well as a description of the astronomical sites where black holes are suspected to lie.
Black Holes and Naked Singularities - This article gives an elementary review of gravitational collapse and the cosmic censorship hypothesis. Known models of collapse resulting in the formation of black holes and naked singularities are summarized.
Black Holes made Simple - An overview of modern research in black holes without the use of mathematical equations.
Developments in General Relativity: Black Hole Singularity and Beyond - An outline of the recent achievements in our understanding of the nature of the singularity inside a rotating black hole. This presentation also addresses the questions: "Can we see inside a black hole?" and "Can a falling observer cross the singularity without being crushed?"
Geometry Around Black Holes - An exhibition on relativistic computer dynamics used to present the theory of black holes.
Gravitational Redshift - An overview of the effects on light in the presence of a black hole.
Hawking Radiation - Classically, black holes are black. Quantum mechanically, black holes radiate, with a radiation known as Hawking radiation, after the British physicist Stephen Hawking who first proposed it.
Higher Dimensional Chern-Simons Theories and Topological Black Holes - It has been recently pointed out that black holes of constant curvature with a "chronological singularity" can be constructed in any spacetime dimension. In this paper, a brief summary of these new black holes is given.
Introduction to Black Hole Microscopy - The aim of these notes is both to review the standard understanding of the Hawking effect. The fundamentals of the Unruh effect are reviewed, and then the Hawking effect is explained as a ``gravitational Unruh effect".
The Net Advance of Physics: Black Holes - A set of links to numerous black holes resources on the Web. A great starting point to finding some advanced papers on the topic.
Quantum Fields Near Black Holes - This review gives an introduction into problems, concepts and techniques when quantizing matter fields near black holes. The first part focusses on quantum fields in general curved space-times. The second part is devoted to a detailed treatment of the Unruh effect in uniformly accelerated frames and the Hawking radiation of black holes
Quantum Geometry and Black Holes - Non-perturbative quantum general relativity provides a possible framework to analyze issues related to black hole thermodynamics from a fundamental perspective.
Schwarzschild Geometry - The Schwarzschild geometry describes the spacetime geometry of empty space surrounding any spherical mass.
Schwarzschild's Spacetime - A site explaining the Schwarzschild solution and how it leads to black holes.